
Presentation Parish School is an important ministry of the Church of the Presentation. The Church supports the School’s Vision and Mission Statement to deepen one’s relationship with Christ and to educate students to become well-rounded young adults whose responses to life are based on Catholic truth and values. In achieving the Vision and Mission Statement, it is the role of the Church and School to provide a strong sacrament base for all students.
Sacrament Preparation is provided according to parish and diocesan policies. Opportunity is given for those students who wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. These students must have a certificate of Baptism on file.
The Confirmation Program is established for young adults at a time in their lives when they possess the ability and willingness to understand the importance of and commitment to receiving the Sacrament. Candidates in 8thgrade are eligible to celebrate this life-changing Sacrament.
Any questions, please contact the office at (209) 472-2140