Presentation Parish School


Faith, Academics, Service

Our Mission, Vision, and Philosophy


The mission of Presentation Parish School is to educate students to become well-rounded young adults whose responses to life are based on Catholic truth and values.



Presentation Parish School is a family centered community that affirms and promotes the dignity of every student, parent, teacher and staff member.  We recognize and celebrate the call to be stewards of our God given gifts. We are committed to deepen our relationship with Christ and strengthen Gospel values within a service oriented, morally reflective environment that inspires a passion for learning.



“Since parents have conferred life on their children, they have a most solemn obligation to educate their offspring. Hence, parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children. . .  it devolves on parents to create a family atmosphere so animated with love and reverence for God and people that a well-rounded personal and social development will be fostered among the children. Hence, the family is the first school of those social virtues which every society needs.” (Documents of Vatican Council II: Declaration on Christian Education.)


As educators, we recognize that parents are the primary educators and we believe in cooperating and working with parents to provide experiences that build community and leadership, that reinforce religious truth and values in daily living, and that prepare each individual student to take his/her place in a changing society as a productive Christian citizen. The integration of religious truth and values with the rest of life is brought about . . . not only by its unique curriculum but, more importantly, by the presence of teachers who express an integrated approach to learning and living in their private and professional lives.” (To Teach as Jesus Did, Article 104.)